How to Prepare for Flu Season

By October 3, 2019Health
How to prevent the flu during flu season

Healthy Habits to Prevent Colds and the Flu

Sneeze. Cough. Ache. It’s no fun being sick. As the seasons change and temperatures drop, influenza, commonly known as the flu, begins to circulate the world around us. The flu is a contagious disease that attacks the respiratory system and causes mild to severe symptoms that can linger for weeks. These symptoms can wreak havoc on our ability to work and play, so it is especially important to strengthen your immune system and take preventative measures to avoid illness. To stay healthy throughout “flu season,” read on.

  • Keep it clean

It’s common sense to wash your hands after using the restroom, but it’s also important to keep them clean throughout the day. Be aware of touching common-use surfaces like railings, door handles, and elevator buttons. Get into the habit of washing your hands after touching these surfaces. If you can’t always reach running water, carry antibacterial gel or hand sanitizer spray as a convenient alternative.

Common flu symptoms include fever, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, headache and runny nose. The good news: an annual vaccine can help prevent the flu and reduce its side effects. The flu vaccine allows your immune system to make antibodies, which can then be used to attack and destroy the flu virus if you are exposed to it. Although getting a flu shot doesn’t guarantee that you won’t catch the flu, it is a simple and affordable measure that helps protect your body from infection and reduces your risk of sickness. It is generally recommended that everyone aged six months or older receive the flu vaccine each year.

  • Treat the Fever

If you do succumb to the flu, you can help to recover by treating your fever at home. Rest up, stay home from work or school, drink lots of fluids, and try a non-prescription medicine or visit your local urgent care.

Healthy habits and good hygiene can help prevent the flu. Whether you need a flu shot, urgent medical attention, or to find out why your flu won’t go away, we can help. Sand Canyon Urgent Care welcome walk-in patients. Call our Irvine location at (949) 417-0272 or our Laguna Hills location at (949) 206-4633 to get started on your treatment.